Data Backup and RecoveryData is the Lifeline for your Business: Guard it Fiercely

Local backups are typically sufficient to recover from most common disasters, but a site-wide disaster can be the difference between business continuity and business failure. Unfortunately, many organizations still do not have an offsite Disaster Recovery (DR) plan in place. For today’s volatile, fast-paced technology landscape, Hawk iBACKUP enables organizations with the ability to recover quickly and reliably when a disaster strikes their site or internal systems.

We have partnered with StorageCraft and are able to tailor your coverage to meet your unique recovery requirements while enjoying access to data anytime, anywhere, with instant failover in a secure purpose built cloud specifically for disaster recovery.

With data backup and recovery services with us, we can offer three levels of support:

  • Cloud Basic – Secure offsite storage of your critical business backups with full system restore via a bare metal restore (BMR) drive
  • Cloud – Everything in Cloud Basic, plus immediate file and folder recover from the cloud
  • Cloud Premium – Everything in Cloud +, as well as instant virtualization of your systems and data in the cloud.

**Mirroring option to a secondary datacenter is available in the United States

Your company’s data is your most valuable asset and without your data, you have no business. According to the National Archives and Records Administration, more than 90 percent of companies that experience at least seven days of data center downtime go out of business within a year. According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), more than 40% of businesses never reopen after a disaster; only 29% were still operating after two years. For those businesses that lost their information technology for nine days or more after a disaster?  Bankruptcy within a year.

Having a tried-and-tested data protection strategy that includes a robust disaster recovery plan is an absolute must for companies of all sizes.  Call today and prevent the unexpected from ruining your company.